How to apply for Goldsmiths Fair in London

The Goldsmiths Fair at the Goldsmiths Hall

The Goldsmiths Fair in London is one of the most exciting and prestigious jewellery selling shows in the world.

With applications just opened for the September Goldsmiths Fair in London, now is the time to apply if you’re an independent jewellery designer looking to broaden your audience and sell more work directly to the customer.

Applications close at the end of February and the exhibiting costs are reasonable, with additional bursaries available, so this is a topic well worth exploring if you're a UK based maker.

The Goldsmiths Fair is one of the most prestigious jewellery buying fairs in the world, attracting a buying audience from all over the world, with around 8500 visitors attending over the duration of the event.

I'm bringing GoldDust Collective Members an exclusive, ask anything chat with Harriet this January, explaining the application process, the panel selection procedure, why they choose some designers over others, and what will make your application stronger. 

 This is a brilliant opportunity to speak to this influential jewellery industry member!

 Attendance is free for GoldDust Collective members, alternatively you can join the Collective here to attend.


Jewellery Trends for 2025


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